Egyptian gods and the Ten Plagues

I’ve recently finished reading the second book in the Kane Chronicles, a middle grade fantasy by Rick Riordan. In it he features many of the Egyptians gods. As the ten plagues in the Passover/Exodus story mock many of the Egyptian gods, I thought it would be an interesting time to research this. Here’s what I learned. I stole pictures from and linked to Ancient Egypt Online, the most extensive and concise site I found.

First Plague:  Water turned to blood

Hapi was a twin deity, the spirit of the upper and lower Nile.

Aaron’s staff turned the Nile River to blood, but the Egyptian magicians were able to replicate the miracle to some extent, so Pharaoh was not overly impressed by the Hebrew God. Nevertheless, there was no drinking water for seven days, and all the fish died. Imagine the stench.

Second Plague:  Frogs

Heqet was the frog-headed goddess of fertility.

Aaron’s staff again brought about this plague. There were frogs everywhere: in houses, in beds, in food, getting squashed underfoot. Gross! Again the Egyptian magicians were able to produce frogs, but unlike the God of Moses, they could not make them go away.

Third Plague:  Lice/gnats

Geb was the god of the earth. The lice were made of the dust that rose when Aaron struck his staff against the earth, so this would have fallen in Geb’s jurisdiction.

This is last time Aaron’s staff is used and the first time the magicians could not match the plague. “This is the finger of God,” they said. Yet Pharaoh remained unmoved.

Fourth Plague:  Flies

This one’s not so black-and-white. The best answer I’ve seen is that it was a mockery of Khepri, a beetle-headed god who moved the sun.

The fourth plague marks the first that affects Egypt but not the Hebrew slaves. It also is the first that brings destruction. Pharaoh begins to plead and bargain with Moses, he even relents and grants the slaves permission to leave, but when the plague is lifted, he reneges on his word.

Fifth Plague:  Cattle

There were lots of gods associated in some way with cows or bulls: Hathor, Amon, Bat, Apis, Buchis, Mneuis, Ptah, and Ra.

This plague came with a grace period. Moses warned Pharaoh a day before the plague occurred, offering a chance to avoid this economic disaster, but Pharaoh’s heart remained hard.

Sixth Plague:  Boils

Isis, the goddess of medicine and peace, would have been called upon to relieve this plague.

This unannounced plague becomes even more personal, effecting the very bodies of the Egyptians. It takes out the Egyptian magicians, who are now “unclean” and unable to stand before Pharaoh or their gods for the remainder of the plagues. But it is not enough to move Pharaoh.

Seventh Plague:  Hail

Nut was the goddess of the sky and should have been able to contain what fell to earth.

This plague is unique in that it allows the Egyptian people to make their own choice. They are warned in advance what would befall, and some chose to believe Moses and take shelter. Others, like Pharaoh, remained loyal to the gods. Interestingly, the hail destroys flax, which the Egyptians used in the making of clothing, and barley, used primarily in fermented drinks. It did not destroy their food crop of wheat.

Eighth Plague:  Locust

Osiris, god of the underworld, was credited with the growth of vegetation and crops. Also, Senehem was a minor god with a locust head and was supposed to protect from pests.

Having still not heeded Moses’s call to repent, Pharaoh now dooms the Egyptian’s wheat crop. There is now no meat, nor is there bread.

Ninth Plague:  Darkness

Ra was the most powerful god of all, the sun god; Horus was another major god whose right eye was the sun and his left was the moon.

Here God demonstrates his power over the most worshipped object in the Egyptian religion–the sun–proving even the strongest of Egyptian gods futile, weak, and false. By now, God has completely devastated the Egyptian economy and their religion. These three days of darkness must have been terrifying on both a psychological and spiritual level.

Tenth Plague:  Death of the firstborn

Anubis was the god of the dead. Osiris was considered the giver of life; Pharoah, the ultimate power in Egypt, was worshiped as a god, yet he could not save his own son.

Pharaoh again bargains with Moses, offering them freedom if they would leave their animals behind (because Egypt has none). When Moses refuses, Pharaoh, in a great irony, threatens Moses with death. But it is the Egyptian firstborn who would die for Pharaoh’s pride. Only at this point, after Pharaoh has brought complete devastation on his country, does he relent.

The action now shifts to the Hebrews, who have been passive observers since plague three. They now are called upon to act in faith, and the first Passover is observed in direct obedience to God’s orders.

In this study, I’ve been fascinated by the direct way God reached out to the Egyptian people. He showed them his power in ways they understood and could not ignore, He demonstrated the futility and falseness of their religion, and He offered them every opportunity to turn to Him.  I believe many of them probably did. His plagues were just as much a plea with the Egyptian people as they were a judgement. It makes me appreciate this, my very favorite Bible story, even more and reminds me that God “is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” He still reaches out to individuals and offers this same choice. What a powerful, personal, compassionate God we serve.

34 thoughts on “Egyptian gods and the Ten Plagues

  1. Hi, Michelle.

    I would like to thank you for sharing your result from your studies on the Egyptian gods and the 10 plagues. I am preparing a sermon on this topic. It is helpful to my preparation. It is encouraging to know your seriousness in God’s Word and make it known.

    indeed, God is slow to anger, abounding in love, compassionate and does not punish us as our sin deserved. May the people in the world know how much God loves them and longing for them to turn back to Him before it is too late.

    May God bless you.

    in Christ,
    Christine Liew

  2. =D Thanks for this. I was able to show someone how Jehovah made a mockery of all Egypts gods & why He and only He is the All Mighty God.

  3. “What a powerful, personal, compassionate god we serve.”
    You thereby refer to the god of Moses, whom you just reported killing the first-borns of a whole population.
    Please explain the compassion in that.

    1. That is a very logical observation that would make perfect sense if we set aside the authority of God. As Creator, he has the authority to set absolute moral standards and hold mankind to them. His holiness requires that he enforce them. If he did not, he would not be God. But in his compassion, he paid the penalty for disobedience that he requires through this son, Jesus Christ. He gives us every opportunity to return to him, and he’s always willing to forgive when we do. He has every right to wipe us all out. But he does not. That is the definition of mercy.

  4. This becomes even more interesting and timely as we see the Hollywood Version of “gods and kings”. We have seen that the actors and writers, producers and directors do not respect the biblical history of Moses. Why do they think that they have to change the facts from the Bible. It hurts my spirit that those who see it will be misled to believe the movie version rather than the historical biblical version.
    I was also very very disappointed in NOAH with its fictitious version of the flood.

  5. Thank you Michelle. We’re studying this account as part of our family worship and this information will greatly add to the value.

    1. I couldn’t disagree with you more. The Bible is a solid, historically reliable source document with a wealth of archeological evidence to back it up. Sounds like a good idea for a new series of posts.

  6. This has helped me so much. i would like to add that the tenth plague might have been focused on pharaoh since they considered him the god of the earth. plz dont take this the wrong way just wanted to add this but thank you for this for it has helped me alot.

  7. Thank you for the nice article! I would like to further add something important: out of the 150+ egyptian gods the ones affected in the ten plagues were theist inportant and most respected!
    Another inportant thing you forgot to mention is that when the jewish people took the sheep to slaughter for “korban pesach” it was during the time of the year in which the contstelations are such and the egyptians respected the sheep god (whose name i dont know but you could check in google i suppose) the most and the jews slaughtered it on the 14th of the month of nissan which is the day in which the egyptians had their ceremony respecting the sheep god! And therefore after the 9 plauges and during the tenth the jews, as a show of their faith in the true god went and slaughtered the sheeps and wiped the blood on their doorposts! That takes guts man!!

  8. I enjoyed your commentary very much. I taught a Sunday School session on Exodus & the wilderness Tabernacle and so went through the plagues. If you will indulge me for a long message, I’d like to share a few things I learned. First there is a paraphrase of Scriptural doctrine that says ‘you reap what you sow’ and in this story is a prime example. In the first chapter we see pharaoh telling the midwives to kill all the Hebrew sons. In my study I found that it was meant they were to drown all the sons. So guess what? In chapter 14, pharaoh reaps the drowning of all the strong sons of Egypt!
    Also, I learned that since they worshiped gods of nature, it was considered a crime punishable by death to harm any of the earthly forms so imagine how it must have been to be inundated with your god of the frogs etc. and not be able to defend yourself for fear of harming a god!!
    Another interesting thing is that in reference to these events, to the Egyptians (the lost) they were plagues but to God they were signs, wonders and miracles!! As I told my class, it all depends on Whose side you’re on!
    And finally, in the beginning of Exodus, we are told the names of the Godly midwives. They are Shiphrah & Puah; however to this day, there is debate over the name of the pharaoh!
    Because in God, you are known!!
    Thank you for allowing me this time.

  9. Sorry to jump in again but I also wanted to mention the crossing of the Red Sea. In chapter 14, it says the Hebrews walked across the sea and the waters were like walls on either side. Think about that. It was one thing to hold back the water coming downhill, but God actually BACKED UP the water flowing away to create TWO walls!!! How amazing is that?? And how amazing is our God?
    To the scoffers, all they have to do is google it all. I actually found where a piece of Egyptian papyrus was found that was describing some of the very same things talked about in Exodus. It talked about the cattle dying and the water turning to blood!! There is a ton of archaeological evidence that proves the Bible is true!

  10. Hello. I’ve ever watched “Planet Egypt” (available on DVD) documentary on tv. The Cairo museum director showing in front of camera 2 tablets of locusts & Egyptian army on chariot swallowed by sea. Those are 2/ 10 of God of Israel’s punishments upon Egypt. They both silent. No comment at all!!! I’ve searched on internet the images but can’t find it. Could you help me maybe. Thank you

  11. Bom dia Michelle! “Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” O seu trabalho é bom! Parabéns! Como dizemos por aqui: “Já que você está na chuva acabe de se molhar!”. Pra você tirar nesse quesito; “Melhor do que Ótimo.” Precisa fazer uma coisinha simples, se quiser melhorar a sua nota.Nao é obtida a aceitar o desafio. Rss! Cada um desses “deuses.” Egípcios; estavam “associados” a outras “entidades.” Formando uma “constelação maligna de associados.” Verdadeiros principados. Caso você tenha tempo, e deseje melhorar a sua pontuação… Veja essa associação, coloque cada imagem específica. Isso servirá para ajudar didaticamente, quem trabalha com cura interior e libertação em diversos níveis em diversos países. A Teologia Prática nos mostra que: “a orquestra tem outros intrumentos” Em Cristo Graça e Paz. Pr. Joselito Amorim (Vila Velha/ES – Brasil)

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